AWS ECR - Elastic Container Registry Integration & EKS

Step-01: What are we going to learn?

  • We are going build a Docker image

  • Push to ECR Repository

  • Update that ECR Image Repository URL in our Kubernetes Deployment manifest

  • Deploy to EKS

  • Kubernetes Deployment, NodePort Service, Ingress Service and External-DNS will be used to depict a full-on deployment

  • We will access the ECR Demo Application using registered dns

Step-02: ECR Terminology

  • Registry: An ECR registry is provided to each AWS account; we can create image repositories in our registry and store images in them.

  • Repository: An ECR image repository contains our Docker images.

  • Repository policy: We can control access to our repositories and the images within them with repository policies.

  • Authorization token: Our Docker client must authenticate to Amazon ECR registries as an AWS user before it can push and pull images. The AWS CLI get-login command provides us with authentication credentials to pass to Docker.

  • Image: We can push and pull container images to our repositories.

Step-03: Pre-requisites

aws configure
AWS Access Key ID: ****
AWS Secret Access Key: ****
Default Region Name: us-east-1

Step-04: Create ECR Repository

  • Create simple ECR repository via AWS Console

    • Repository Name: aws-ecr-kubenginx

    • Tag Immutability: Enable

    • Scan on Push: Enable

  • Explore ECR console.

  • Create ECR Repository using AWS CLI

aws ecr create-repository --repository-name aws-ecr-kubenginx --region us-east-1
aws ecr create-repository --repository-name <your-repo-name> --region <your-region>

Step-05: Create Docker Image locally

  • Navigate to folder 10-ECR-Elastic-Container-Registry\01-aws-ecr-kubenginx from course github content download.

  • Create docker image locally

  • Run it locally and test

# Build Docker Image
docker build -t <ECR-REPOSITORY-URI>:<TAG> . 
docker build -t . 

# Run Docker Image locally & Test
docker run --name <name-of-container> -p 80:80 --rm -d <ECR-REPOSITORY-URI>:<TAG>
docker run --name aws-ecr-kubenginx -p 80:80 --rm -d

# Access Application locally

# Stop Docker Container
docker ps
docker stop aws-ecr-kubenginx
docker ps -a -q

Step-06: Push Docker Image to AWS ECR

  • Firstly, login to ECR Repository

  • Push the docker image to ECR

  • AWS CLI Version 2.x

# Get Login Password
aws ecr get-login-password --region <your-region> | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin <ECR-REPOSITORY-URI>
aws ecr get-login-password --region us-east-1 | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin

# Push the Docker Image
docker push <ECR-REPOSITORY-URI>:<TAG>
docker push
  • Verify the newly pushed docker image on AWS ECR.

  • Verify the vulnerability scan results.

Step-07: Using ECR Image with Amazon EKS

Review the k8s manifests

  • Understand the Deployment and Service kubernetes manifests present in folder 10-ECR-Elastic-Container-Registry\02-kube-manifests

    • Deployment: 01-ECR-Nginx-Deployment.yml

    • NodePort Service: 02-ECR-Nginx-NodePortService.yml

    • ALB Ingress Service: 03-ECR-Nginx-ALB-IngressService.yml

Verify ECR Access to EKS Worker Nodes

  • Go to Services -> EC2 -> Running Instances > Select a Worker Node -> Description Tab

  • Click on value in IAM Role field

# Sample Role Name 
  • In IAM on that specific role, verify permissions tab

  • Policy with name AmazonEC2ContainerRegistryReadOnly, AmazonEC2ContainerRegistryPowerUser should be associated

Deploy the kubernetes manifests

# Deploy
kubectl apply -f 02-kube-manifests/

# Verify
kubectl get deploy
kubectl get svc
kubectl get po
kubectl get ingress

Access Application

# Get external ip of EKS Cluster Kubernetes worker nodes
kubectl get nodes -o wide

# Access Application

Step-08: Clean Up

# Clean-Up
kubectl delete -f 02-kube-manifests/